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Kelly Tractor Equipos para Agricultura y Paisajismo
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Potencia al Volante
Peso en Orden de Trabajo
311D LRR Cat® C4.2 ACERT™
60 kW
12480 kg
312D/312D L Cat® C4.2 ACERT™
67 kW
12920 kg
314D CR/314D LCRCat® C4.2 ACERT™
67 kW
14000 kg
315D L Cat® C4.2 ACERT™
86 kW
17280 kg
319D L/319D LN Cat® C4.2 ACERT™
93 kW
19900 kg

Sirviendo al Sur de la Florida con sucursales en:

Miami 8255 NW 58 St, Miami FL 33166 305-592-5360
Miami CAT Rental Store 7905 NW 58 St, Miami FL 33166 305-592-5360
Davie 2801 Reese Rd, Davie FL 33314 954-581-8181
West Palm Beach 5460 Okeechobee Blvd, West Palm Beach FL 33417 561-683-1231
Clewiston 801 E Sugarland Hwy, Clewiston FL 33440 863-983-8177
Fort Myers 9651 Kelly Tractor Dr, Fort Myers FL 33905 239-693-9233
Mulberry (IMT Drills and Cranes Only) PO Box 1318, Mulberry FL 33860 863-354-9036
Orlando (CAT/Used forklifts & Link-Belt Cranes) 144 W. Landstreet Rd. , Orlando FL 32824 407-568-8055

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Copyright © 2012 Kelly Tractor Co. Cat and Caterpillar are trademarks of Caterpillar, Inc.
Note: All equipment is subject to prior sale and availability. Pricing on equipment, parts, and service are subject to change without prior notice. Published hour meter readings are subject to change.