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Caterpillar Company Logo   Grade Control Dozers

Ideal for Road and Rail Construction, Site Construction 3D Grade Control, 2D Grade Control.

Grade Control Dozers

The Trimble GCS900 grade control with GradeMax™ Plus technology for dozers. Smarter, faster and more accurate grading with standard connected machine functionality to bring the office and the machine together for increased efficiency.

Bulk Earthworks

  • Display design information and live cut/fill indications in the dozer cab
  • Monitor avoidance zones with real-time information
  • Collect as-built data as the machines cuts to grade
  • Keep tighter control over safety issues
  • See precisely where dirt is moved to site
Dozer with Trimble GCS900 grade control with GradeMax™ Plus


  • Determine the position of each tip of the blade and compare it to the design elevation to complete cut or fill to grade
  • Drive the valves for automatic blade control for view in-cab light bars based on cut or fill data
  • Control the machines automatic blade control settings in real time
  • Adjust the machine’s response to differing material conditions
  • Optimize the machines performance for a particular grading task

Finished Grading

  • Achieve finished grade to millimeter accuracy with fewer passes
  • Place finished grade materials more accurately and in a shorter time period
  • Keep the materials costs to a minimum and realize better profits

Integrates with: Visionlink®


Used with a total station, single or dual GNSS receivers, GCS900 3D is ideal for bulk earthwork, grading and fine grading applications such as:

  • Material spreading
  • Highway and railway construction
  • Airport construction
  • Concrete pours and slab placement
  • Residential and commercial site construction



Measures the position and slope of the blade and compares that to design data for rough grading and mass excavation on complex design surfaces.


Measures the exact position, cross slope and heading of the blade for rough grading and mass excavation on steep slopes and complex design surfaces.


Single and dual GNSS systems enhanced with laser augmentation to improve vertical accuracy for high accuracy guidance to complex design surfaces such as super-elevation grading from rough through finished grade work.


Total station based system for extreme accuracy for lift and layer control, material monitoring, or where GNSS is not the ideal solution because of overhead obstructions.

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