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Caterpillar Company Logo   Trimble Site Tablet

Connect your Office to the field with Trimble Site Tablet, a rugged and fully connected field computer For construction measurements and site positioning Brains and brawn. What could be better?

CAT Trimble Site Tablet

Features and Benefits

The Trimble Site Tablet is a tough, portable and connected field computer.

Designed for Construction

  • Don’t worry about scratches or drops with the rugged and waterproof Site Tablet.
  • Read text, graphics and complex maps under any field conditions.
  • Work a full day without the need to re-charge batteries.
CAT Engineer using trimble Tablet

Fully-functional Field Tablet

  • Connect your office to the construction site with a cellular modem, laptop, GPS and controller in one device.
  • Stay connected and work faster by making design changes in the field, and instantly communicating changes or problems to field crews and the office.
  • Access email instantly and synchronize data from the site to eliminate delays associated with driving data updates to and from the office and field.


  • Measuring and verifying original ground levels and site features.
  • Monitoring real-time cut/fill information.
  • Checking finished grade and laid material thickness against design elevations and tolerances.
  • Computing progress and material stockpile volumes.
  • Monitoring, and conducting quality control for earthworks and paving operations.
  • Assessing as-built measurements and generating high quality reports for record keeping, approvals, and payment purposes.
  • Synchronizing design and field data via the Internet.
CAT Trimble tablet windshield mounted

Integrates with: SPS985 GNSS Smart Antenna, SC900 Site Controller Software

To request a demo or more information, please click here and supply the requested info.
You will be contacted by a rep within 24 hrs or less that serves your product type and area.

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